Jack Lee Adkins / Jammin' Jack
Below are pictures from 6+ decades of performing. Bands, Duos and as a single act.
There were many more bands and acts. Take a look!

Seven piece dance band. Very popular throughout the WV, OH & KY area.

Drums, Keyboard, Bass, Organ, Guitar, Trumpet, Sax & Lead Singer

Jack was born in 1947 in Huntington West Virginia. He started playing guitar at the
age of 14. By the 9th grade he had a band called "The Teen Rockers" and has been
playing professionally ever since. He likes all kinds of music and enjoys performing
and entertaining others. He plays, 5 string banjo, acoustic & electric guitar, bass
guitar, bass pedals keyboard, Harmonica and sings. He currently performs as a one
man rock and country show with live music, singing and a stage personality.

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